As you may have heard in the news there is a new deadly fungus attacking Ash trees in the UK which has come over from the continent. The disease is called Chalara Fraxinea and it has been found in Norfolk, Buckinghamshire, Leicester and near Kilmacolm which is west of Glasgow. The disease causes leaf-loss and crown dieback and can quickly lead to tree death.
In the past few years a bleeding canker has been affecting Horse Chestnut trees causing large numbers of them to die too. So the landscape of British gardens and parks may well look very different in the coming years.
On Monday last week my truck broke down and the AA man suggested a garage in Bristol who specialised in the specific fault that was diagnosed. Alas the vehicle is still there with no sign of when it will be back on the road. So I am currently unable to work and would like to say a big SORRY to those customers who have been expecting me last week and this.